Thursday, November 22, 2012

28 Week Scan

We got our latest scan Monday morning, just about 28 weeks.  We're so very happy that everything is going well.  No profile pics in this batch either, but I do believe I see a spine!

To those in or from the US:


  1. Happy Turkey Day too you! Glad to hear things are going well.

  2. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!

    Very exciting - passing 28 weeks:-) You'll be dads before you know it!!

  3. Glad to hear that all is going well! Always fun to receive scan updates!

  4. Isn't it cool how images that in other contexts might be at best clinically interesting or at worst vaguely disgusting become cute? I can't wait to show my girls their scans!

  5. It's all ticking along nicely by the looks! Cannot wait to see the finished renos...fantastic!

  6. We just got our 23 week scan and it also had a spine shot. Dr. Jolly must have been in a mood. Congrats on 28 weeks!!


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