Friday, July 20, 2012

It's a Fetus!

We got our 10 week scan yesterday!  I guess Dr. Jolly is really busy - and no wonder - so our scan was delayed a few days.  So a little extra worrying, but...

Everything looks great (to us anyway):  3.3 cm, 10 weeks 1 day GA, 146 bpm.  It's starting to look like a real baby - and Wikipedia says it's technically now a fetus.  Hooray!

I've been traveling a ton lately, and there's a major reorg at work, so at least I've been distracted from worrying too much in these early weeks.  And next week I have a client going live in NYC, and it's also our anniversary, so Morgan is going to join me so that we can spend a few days site seeing and relaxing a bit (well, I'm not sure New York City and Relax belong in the same sentence, but at least we'll be together and I'll only be half working).  Can't wait!


  1. Glad you've got some distractions. Enjoy NYC!

  2. love New York, have a fab time guys! Ace scan picture x

  3. Hooray for 10 weeks! You'll be out of this first trimester in no time!!! x


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