Monday, June 18, 2012

Thump, Thump... Thump, Thump...

We got a belated Father's Day gift this morning:  Our bug has a heart - that beats!

110 bpm - 2 mm crl - 5 weeks, 6 days

tee hee

...and somebody (Morgan) jumped the gun and did some shopping...

The short-sleeved onsies are the first baby-related gift from auntie Dana.  I'm returning the same exact item I bought 30 minutes prior to opening the mail.  We siblings have the same taste (we most likely came from the same ovary too...the left one).


  1. Fantastic news... Congrats and best wishes for an uneventful first trimester!

  2. What great news guys. Here's to a very uneventful pregnancy, filled with lots of shopping and nursery-decorating!

  3. Bug - LOL, very cute. Congrats to you : )

  4. Yay that's great news! Love the outfits sooooo cute


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